VWCCS Announces New CEO, Ms Kiki Paul

VWCCS is pleased to announce the appointment of its new CEO, Ms Kiki Paul. Ms Paul is an experienced CEO and non-executive director with extensive knowledge of governance, organisational financial management, advocacy, campaigning for change, communications, and...

Health Care Complaints Commission’s Invitation to VWCCS

VWCCS was extended an invitation from Nicole Lawless, Executive Director of Legal Services at the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) to provide support for victims and witnesses in giving evidence at the HCCC’s proceedings. The HCCC conducts all disciplinary...

Graeme Henson AM Becomes President of VWCCS Inc

Judge Henson served on the Local Court for 33 years. Within that period of service, he also held a dual commission as a Judge of the District Court for 11 years and presided in both jurisdictions. The last 15 years of his career were in the dual capacity as Chief...